Wrapped Bouquet
Wrapped Bouquet

Wrapped Bouquet

Sale price$55.00

Artistically designed bouquets wrapped up in sweet tissue paper and tied with a ribbon. Drop these flowers in your favorite vase at home or gift to a friend!


  • A lush, artistically designed bouquet -- filled with seasonal and local flowers
  • Designers choice on color palette and blooms - will vary with the season and look different than those pictured here, but always be in our natural and artistic style such as what is pictured here).
  • Wrapped in tissue paper and tied with a soft ribbon - no vase included! 
  • Pictured here is our medium sized wrap bouquet. 

    Pick Ups are the 2nd Friday of every month.
    Deliveries are the 2nd Saturday of every month.

    April 11th - Pick Up
    April 12th - Delivery

    May 9th - Pick Up
    May 10th - Delivery

    June 13th - Pick Up
    June 14th - Delivery

    July 11th - Pick Up
    July 12th - Delivery

    August 8th - Pick Up
    August 9th - Delivery

    September 12th - Pick Up
    September 13th - Delivery


    No, but if you are not available we highly encourage gifting your arrangement that month to a friend or loved one!

    All of our flower club arrangements are designer's choice and are chosen based on what is in season and the best flowers available from our spotlighted farm!

    Yes! If you sign up for our monthly subscription you may sign up or cancel at any time.

    If you sign up mid month after flowers have already gone out that month then your subscription will begin the following month.

    If you sign up in full, there is a discount for booking in full.

    No refunds can be offered for months already paid for, or for pre-paid subscription plans.

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