Posey Bouquet
Posey Bouquet
Posey Bouquet
Posey Bouquet
Posey Bouquet
Posey Bouquet

Posey Bouquet

Sale price$95.00
This petite bouquet is designed in our signature Anthousai style. It's our smallest offering and the perfect size a flower girl or family member to carry down the aisle!
This romantic, artistic bouquet is hand tied with a soft ribbon to compliment the color palette of your choosing.
Color Palette:

Color Palette

Greenery Preference:

Greenery Preference

Ribbon Length:

Ribbon Length


Select a color palette listed, or choose "Custom Palette" and leave a note at checkout with your color preferences.

the process

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Simply find the a la carteoptions that meet your needs, and put them in your cart with any specifications. No order minimum.


Our A La Carte Services are designed to be as smooth as possible for our clients! Everything we offer can be easily picked up by you from our Tulsa-based shop, or we do offer Tulsa delivery! We do not currently offer set up services at this time, which helps us keep the pricing lower for you.

We offer three set color palettes if you want us to do the planning for you! Or you have the option to choose your own custom palette - simply let us know your color preferences at checkout!

Each arrangement and design we create for you will be very similar in style and will be in your chosen color palette, but we do not guarantee exact blooms. We always strive to choose the prettiest and best looking flowers in your color palette based on what is seasonally and locally available! That being said, no two bouquets we create are ever the same. We will be creating something unique for your wedding, based on your chosen color palette - in our signature Anthousai style!

The picture examples we have for each color palette give a good idea of colors we will use, but we do not guarantee any specific flower variaties since we are always striving to select what looks best seasonally and locally. 

Our Boutique A la Carte services are designed to be simplified for you as the client. We do not offer anything that requires on-site installation such as arches or installations. If you are looking for more customization - our full service florals are perfect for you! Contact us here for more information on full service florals.

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